When to Transplant Boxwoods? Step 2 - Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the container your tree is grown in. Shrub planting is best done in spring or summer so that it can get well established before winter. Choose a new planting location that is not close to downspouts and avoid low-lying areas of your landscape to prevent soggy roots. With large plants, this can often be difficult for a homeowner to do without special equipment such as a tree spade, which leaves a large ball of soil intact around the roots. With a professional background in gardening, landscapes, pests and natural ecosystems, Jasey Kelly has been sharing her knowledge through writing since 2009 and has served as an expert writer in these fields. The best time to plant boxwoods is in late spring or early summer, when the soil is moist and the temperature is warm enough to allow the roots to develop. The best time to transplant boxwood shrubs is in autumn, says Southern Living. { The root system is competing and I want to see if I transplant this somewhere else if the boxwood will do better. If you want to know how to transplant boxwoods, then this is the article for you! Now go out there and get those new plants into good homes! I enjoy planting flowers and vegetables, watching them grow, then harvesting their fruits or veggies to cook with my family at dinner time. How to Transplant a Shrub in the Summer The best time to transplant most plants is in fall or winter when they're dormant, or just as new growth is beginning to emerge in early spring. This will help prevent damage from falling ice and snow. Yes, boxwoods are generally easy to dig up. ", tb1234 Transplanting Raspberries 1 pair of gloves 1 pair of pruning shears 1 shovel 1 bag of your preferred mulch tb1234 Prune away the old canes, and look for dark bark or signs of fruiting, as these are indicators of age. When you reach the top, pull the twine tight and knot it. Next, place your spade angled inward at the very edge of your trench so that it is touching the roots and push down to cut them. To avoid brambles, always wear gardening gloves. This makes it susceptible to being blown over in strong winds. Alternatively, rooting pruning in the spring for a fall move is possible; however, the root pruned plant will need to be watered during summer dry spells. There is no need to attempt to bring them inside during the colder months, though many gardeners do cover them to keep them out of the harsher elements. With boxwoods, you should think thirds. Water again from the top. Remove any brown, dead or diseased leaves and branches. Backfill the hole, packing the soil gently around the roots. "@type": "Question", I link to products this way whenever possible, and it has no bearing on the products I choose to review or recommend. This will help ensure that your plants establish a strong root system and grow healthy and vigorous. Then firm the soil around it. While it wont be the end of the world if a few roots are ruined, the boxwood will need to hang on to a majority of its root system in order to reestablish it. However, transplanting in the summer doesn't. Boxwoods do poorly in standing water, so the elevated planting depth helps prevent this. We earn from qualifying purchases. Continue to add back soil to the hole and tamp the whole thing down . You can begin to dig up the ground around your boxwood in early fall or very late winter. This is because pruning then will spur . Best Way to Water Boxwoods. How Much Light Do Anthuriums Need? Make the hole about twice as big as the root system. While most bigleaf hydrangeas flower on last year's branches (leaving them susceptible to injury from cold winter temperatures), reblooming varieties, such as 'Endless Summer,' produce flowers on fresh growth. ] Your boxwoods, properly cared for once planted, should last many years. If exposed to damp soils, the root ball gets over-saturated, making the roots weak and too fragile to perform normal root functions, killing the plant. There are virtually hundreds of different varieties of boxwoods, but only a comparatively small number of them are available in plant nurseries for purchase. Youll need a few heavy-duty gardening tools, including a spade shovel. When transplanting any tree or shrub, keeping a healthy portion of the root ball intact is pivotal in the success of the transplant. When transplanting an established boxwood, it's important to water the plant well before and after transplanting. But as long as you avoid planting during the heat of summer or cold of winter, your boxwood should do fine in fall or spring. The soil needs of these plants are adaptable, but its crucial to consider the all-year climate of your surroundings when choosing a location. Unfortunately weeds can quickly take over your lawn by using valuable nutrients that the grass needs to grow strong and healthy. Place the plant into the hole. To transplant a boxwood start by making a trench around the drip line or outer edge in a spiral pattern; this will allow you to sever lateral roots without harming any of them, which can be damaging for future growth. How To Plant Boxwoods Like Pro Landscapers Do. Dig a hole that allows an extra 6 inches minimum in circumference and depth. If you have poor soil, add compost or other organic material to help improve it. Water the plants thoroughly after planting to prevent root rot, which can cause the plant to wilt and die. Keep them watered in droughts. We are a privately-owned family businessserving commercial sites in Northern Virginia including Fairfax County, Arlington County, Loudoun County, as well as the Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax. How Fast Do Boxwoods Grow? Boxwood is an excellent choice for low-maintenance landscapes. That means that there'll be less chance of transplanting shock or death! If you didn't plan ahead and still want to move your boxwoods, have no fear, you can still do it. Able to withstand cold temperatures and adaptable to many soil types, it is a low-maintenance and pest-resistant choice. In spring, the best to transplant limelight or oakleaf hydrangea. Dont fertilize newly transplanted boxwoods until the following spring when active growth occurs. Thank you for your feedback! The 14 companion plants in this list are excellent specimens to compliment your garden and include flowers like roses, poppies, calendulas, gardenias, shrubs in the cypress family, herbs, and even fruit trees. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. In late spring, clip the plant regularly towards mid-fall. "@context": "https://schema.org", Every spear of the shovel should be exemplary. "@type": "Question", Tamp the soil around the root ball, then water thoroughly. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, careful not to damage the roots. This will help the water you put on the plant to stay in the planting area and not run off. Step 1 -- Starting at the bottom of the shrub, wrap cord or twine around the circumference of the plant, making a pattern like the corkscrew stripe on a barbershop pole. "@type": "FAQPage", There are many reasons why people may want to transplant their boxwoods including moving them in the landscape, upgrading soil quality and drainage, or planting in a more sunny location. Fall, around September and October if you're in the northern hemisphere, is the ideal time to plant new boxwoods. Transplanting boxwood shrubs during this time of year is a bit more difficult because they are more likely to experience transplant shock. The items listed are accompanied by affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if a purchase is made through my links. This makes it easier to dig out the roots, makes the root ball less likely to break away and reduces the severity of transplant shock. For larger plants you will need to dig a 4-5 inches wide trench at the drip line to a depth of 1/3 the height of the plant before lifting. "@type": "Question", Taking care of houseplants and gardening are my greatest passions. For any successful growth of boxwood plants, good soil preparation is important. I would be hesitant to . These plants are susceptible to conditions like winter bronzing when planted in unsuitable and unsafe locations. Now you need to dig the hole where you are planning to transplant your boxwood. Place the boxwood plant in the center of the planting hole and fill it with substrate. Each season has advantages that the other lacks. Measure the height of the root ball. Boxwood is one of the most common and popular broadleaf evergreen shrubs, available in a wide variety of forms and sizes. Hello I have a dozen large boxwood bushes in my front yard that we are moving to a fence line in the rear of my house. Wrap twine around your Japanese boxwood beginning at the bottom of the plant and working upward. Hopefully, this blog post has given you some tips and tricks that will help make the process less stressful for both you and your beautiful plants! This boxwood isnt that big and I planted it a few years ago so the roots arent that deep. Once you have a root ball that is big enough, you can transplant your boxwood to its new location. Drainage is critical for your boxwood. You can also use a weed killer to help soften the soil. Remember to fill in the hole where the boxwood originally was. We will go over the best timing for planting and techniques and tips to make your transplanting successful. As boxwoods don't flower, they don't really need fertilizer, but a top dressing of manure in fall helps keep the soil and roots healthy. 16 ways to stimulate the senses with planting, water features, and landscaping. If you have questions, be sure to contact your local landscaper or gardening specialist. To avoid transplant shock, its best to transplant Japanese boxwood when it is not actively growing. When digging out your boxwood shrub prior to transplanting, dig slightly out from the drip line and at least 25 percent as deep as the shrub is tall. Theyre probably mature plants and have been spaced professionally to stay healthy while keeping your house looking amazing. Once it is on the tarp you can slide it up to the new hole. Step 3 -- Place your hands on the base of the trunk and carefully lift the root ball from the ground. Boxwood bushes are great plants for making small or medium-sized hedges and also as specimens in the garden. These plants can adapt to other soil conditions easily, as long as the soil drains well. Once you have a nice, wide trench in which to put your transplanted boxwood it is time for planting! "@type": "Question", You can carefully remove your boxwood from the tarp and place it in its new location with a little bit of dirt on top to help stabilize the plant. Boxwood plants need shallow planting, and in a location where they are protected from winter wind to hinder plant stress and winter bronzing. The trench should be no closer than 6-8 inches from the trunk, depending on the plant's size. It needs to be done now (October). Watering the plant before transplanting will help to moisten the roots and make them less likely to be damaged during transplanting. Because of their size, it can be challenging to know when its the exact right time to move them, leaving many gardeners asking when to transplant boxwoods. Boxwoods are very low maintenance unless they are hedges that need occasionaltrimming. Step back and make sure the shrub is upright and at an appropriate depth (the spot where the roots begin to spread out is where the soil should come up to). Cutting through the roots makes them branch and develop a bigger root system. Boxwood (Buxus spp.) Boxwoods need well-drained soil and at least six hours of sunlight per day. What are the Anthurium Roots Above the Soil? Japonica, North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension: Growing Boxwoods in the Landscape. The plants are famous for their foliage and the look they give your home when used as formal hedges or foundation plantings. You should have 2 to 3 inches of mulch layer for moisture retention. Get tips on gardening in general with help from an experienced gardening expert in this free video series. Overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering, so it's important to strike a balance. When to Plant Boxwoods Shrub planting is best done in spring or summer so that it can get well established before winter. Boxwood plants have unique sets of growing conditions and needs compared to other vegetation at home. When moving a medium sized tree or shrub, it is best to break-up the project into a few sessions. If movable, you can place them in a slightly warmer sheltered area (such as a sunporch or garage) in case of plummeting temperatures. Instructions Step 1: Water Before Pruning Water the soil the day before pruning. However, its shallow root system also recovers quickly from being moved or damaged. October and November are good months. Pull a string across hole and measure its depth; it should equal the height of the root ball. Knowing When the Time is Right Boxwoods that are young and smaller in size likely don't need to be moved unless you've found you want them in a different spot. They are about 3 ft. tall, and are between 30 and 40 years old. They, however, do best when provided their preferred growing conditions. ] "name": "Will transplanting my boxwood kill it? ", Fertilize in late winter or early spring before new growth occurs, and distribute over the soil but no closer than 6 inches from the trunk. If your shrub is growing in soil that's completely wrong for it, or with sun exposure that's less than adequate, transplant it as soon as possible. You don't want the plant to sink. Boxwood was first introduced in North America in 1653. If exposed to damp soils, the root ball gets over-saturated, making the roots weak and too fragile to perform normal root functions, killing the plant. Next, you need to select a healthy plant. People like boxwoods for their topiary nature and their hedges which can withstand regular and heavy pruning without harming the plant. You can trim boxwoods pretty much any time of year, but avoid hard pruning in late summer or early fall. The trench should be no closer than 6-8 inches from the trunk, depending on the plant's size. Generally, boxwoods don't need fertilizing when planted in good soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0. Mix the excavated soil with plant soil, compost and/or horn shavings to enrich it with nutrients. There are several factors to consider before choosing boxwoods for planting. Transplanting should be completed within 24 hours of digging up the boxwood, or it will start to decline and die. }. I am transforming my apartment into an urban jungle and am growing veggies in my indoor and outdoor garden year-round. The new location should have well-drained soil. No, boxwood does not have a deep root system. If the drainage is poor, consider planting the boxwood in a raised bed. Smaller boxwoods will be less vulnerable to this issue. Although this isn't absolutely necessary, it does make the job of cleaning up a little easier. Additionally, you can use fertilizers to promote root development. Dig a 4- to 6-inch-wide and 8- to 10-inch-deep trench around the boxwood no closer than 6 to 8 inches from the trunk.. Step 2 -- This is the key step. Large, well-established boxwood shrubs can be transplanted if you can dig out enough of the rootball. Follow the steps below, and you'll be on your way to having a healthy boxwood transplant in no time. When your container grown boxwood shrubs are still young, water them frequently to keep the soil from drying out. The location should be protected from the wind and excessive heat to prevent leaf burn. These great shrubs take their time maturing, but they do get quite large. The roots of an established boxwood can extend up to three times the width of the plant, so it's important to make sure you have a root ball that is big enough to accommodate all of the roots. Carefully, lift up the root ball from its trunk and gently tease out the shrub from its original planting spot and place it on a tarp. "text": "Boxwoods require follow-up care to ensure they flourish in the selected location. They are a good addition to winter decor. Also, avoid winter because evergreens continue to lose moisture in the cold months, and the soil may not easily support new root growth due to cold or impaction. { When to Plant Boxwood You can plant boxwood in fall, late winter or early spring. Moss on lawns is a very common problem in both spring and autumn. Care for boxwood in pots is very low maintenance. }, If necessary, use a sharp knife to cut through any circling roots. { Fall transplants can benefit from the months of cooler, moister weather ahead. You can also carefully walk around the boxwood to firm up the soil with your body weight. As much as these plants adapt to different soil conditions easily, they dont do well in permanently wet soils. When to Plant Boxwoods Shrub planting is best done in spring or summer so that it can get well established before winter. It can take several years for a boxwood to reach mature size: something to keep in mind if trying to grow them into hedges. { Next dig up your daylily and divide it. If your boxwood is only a couple of feet tall to begin with then you can cut it back to 15 inches or so. Examine the bush or tree to determine which side looks best, and where you want to position the best side. When to Transplant Trees and Shrubs The ideal time to transplant a tree or shrub is somewhat dependent on the species. When planting boxwoods along a walkway divide the mature width in half and plant the shrub that far from the edge of the walkway. "mainEntity": [ The day before you transplant, water your boxwood thoroughly so the water penetrates the soil to a depth of 8 inches. Although the boxwood has enjoyed a reputation for hundreds of years as a hardy, trouble-free plant, in recent years there have been some problems with boxwood blight, which is gradually spreading. The reasons can vary, but most often this is due to the shrub not receiving an even distribution of sunlight. We will update our content. Boxwoods can also be transplanted in the fall, but you will need to ensure they are well-watered and mulched until winter. So turn off Oprah (even if she's giving away goodies to her fawning, insufferably greedy audience), grab yourself a shovel, and follow me out to the yard. In the fall, the tree should have been dormant for at least six months and should not be allowed to dry out during the cold winter months. At the very minimum, allow for a tilled area at least one and a half times as wide as the root ball. 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