I will not be exploring all of them in this post or we would have a whole book. Their clothing set them apart so they could receive help from their community. FACT #1 The name of her village was Sarepta. 7 Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land. She had a home; she was the "mistress" of the house in 1 Kings 17:17, yet she was "house poor," possessing little to nothing beyond her home. He will watch over his word until it comes to pass. So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. Were not told of her praying to God herself, but she did know to go to Gods man for direction, and possibly, a miracle. Covid has stolen so much from so many, destroying businesses, eliminating jobs, taking away hope for the future. He wants us to lean on him and depend on him daily.It takes faith to deal with this. Baal was said to be the god of the weather. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God did not abandon that poor widow. (1 Kings 17:17-23). The widow of Zarephath plays a small but important role in Elijahs story. After we have eaten, we will die. (1Kings 17:12) What can we learn from this conversation? I will not talk much about Naomi here as I have dedicated an entire, Continue reading Characteristics of Ruth in the Bible (and lessons from the story of Ruth and Boaz)Continue, The story of Rizpah in the Bible is one of the absolutely gory and heartbreaking sagas in all of Scripture. Are you looking for God to answer you through the divine connection of relationship Hes placed in your life? Elijah also had a moment of doubt. (Acts 24:15) Surely these are excellent reasons for remembering the widow of Zarephath. When the brook of Cheribth dried up the LORD told Elijah to go to the city of Zarephath where there was a widow woman there that would sustain him. We can assume she is the only widow in her city. An unexpected check comes just when you need it. Once she had the jars, jugs, and pots collected she was to shut the door behind her and she and her sons would pour the oil they had into the vessels theyd gathered. Elijah turns up and two things are obvious. But then a stranger had called to her: "Woman, would you bring me a little water in a jar so I may have a drink? Shes all alone and desperately trying to protect her children. The widow did exactly as he instructed. What a time in my Christian walk to learn this? Are you feeling pressure to provide for your family but you dont know how youre going to? Her houseguest says: See, your son is alive.. Ask Him what youre supposed to do. I will command a widow there to supply you with food.1Kings 17:1-9. Rabbah 27:4). However, Jesus spoke well of her, so she may have become a faithful servant of Jehovah. How were the widows sons involved in the miracle? return true; Holstein, Joanne (2015) The Widow of Zarephath:. Becker Bible Studies Library (April), https://guidedbiblestudies.com/?p=2541, (accessed). God will do what He needs to do to secure your hearts complete loyalty. She explained to Elijah she was gathering two sticks that she could prepare the meal for her and her son that they may eat it, and die. The resurrection of her son was an event in her life that truly strengthened her faith. In honor of International Womens Day on March 8, 2022, we are spotlighting women who rocked in Bible times! Hello Diana. Are you open to hearing His voice when He speaks through others? Then we should follow Jehovahs direction, no matter how difficult it may be to accept. Elisha told her to go to all of her neighbors and borrow empty vessels from them. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. She had always loved the sea, but now its watery abundance seemed only to mock her, reminding her of all she lacked. They may have little or no knowledge of Jehovah and need help to accept true worship. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.. Perhaps she had come to know him well in the time that had passed. Upon seeing her son, the widow said to Elijah, Now by this I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is the truth (1 Kings 17:24 NKJV). Baals, the false gods, were erected all over the land of Israel and places of idol worship were on every corner. While Ahab and Jezebel and Elijah were drawing swords on earth, that was just a representation of what was happening in the spiritual word. It was almost gone. Was she the woman who would give food to the prophet? The woman said to Elijah (v. 18): [] that you should come here to recall my sin and cause the death of my son? In the midrashic expansion, she tells him: Until you came here, God would weigh my actions in comparison with the local people, and I would be found worthy. Just enough for them to live on a daily basis. So many wonderful points. And I mean bad in a good way. The midrash apparently understands that the food eaten by Elijah during his stay with the widow was of miraculous origin, since the entire land was suffering from a severe drought. (Matthew 25:34-40) It proves that God takes care of those who are faithful to him, even when they are enduring very difficult trials. Provide for her and her children. But these were difficult times. Join with other women in theAll Gods Women Bible Study Facebook group. All He wants us to do is to love him back. Kadari, Tamar. Blessings to you also. She had lived her life a stone's throw from the Mediterranean, at Zarephath, seven miles south of Sidon, in a territory ruled by Jezebel's father. She is well-known as a counselor to Christian faithful who are struggling with tremendous burden in these difficult times. for(var i=0; i Jehovah Witness Wife Rules, Suhaib Zaino Net Worth, Who Is Ava Bozzi Mother, Uk Bus And Coach Fleet Lists, Articles T